domingo, 4 de março de 2012

Música que se um dia dissessem que eu ia ouvir em modo repeat, eu mandava internarem-me! #7

If I was an old school 50 pound boombox 
Would you hold me on your should wherever you walked? 
Would you turn my volume up in front of the cops 
And crank it higher everytime they told you to stop? 
And all I ask is that you don't get mad at me 
When you have to purchase mad D batteries 
I appreciate every mixtape your friends make 
You never know, we come and go like on the interstate.


 Because good music can be so hard to find 
I'd take your hand and hold it closer to mine 
Thought love was dead 
But now you're changing my mind.

Vale a pena reter esta metáfora!*

2 comentários:

Choque disse...

Música muito boa.
Adam Levine faz toda a diferença nesta música.

Inês disse...

Eu oiço pelo Adam!!!